Designing a Health Analytics Dashboard for Ongo Science


01 Overview


Ongo Science is a health and wellness platform that enables health experts to create and monetize digital behavioral intervention programs in exercise, sleep, and mindfulness. Users can then subscribe to these programs through their mobile app. 

I worked directly with the founders to ideate and design a web analytics dashboard that provides actionable insights for experts to improve their programs. 


Product Design Lead

I was responsible for managing the design sprints for our team of six. In addition, I created design system components, conducted research, explored various ideas through sketches, iterated designs through testing, and prototyped interactions.

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The main goal of the expert dashboard was to provide health experts a way to monitor their programs, revenue, and subscriber satisfaction. The data on the dashboard needed to provide actionable insights and metrics so health experts could improve the efficacy of their programs.


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02 User Research

Health Expert Interviews

After conducting 7 health expert interviews our team affinity mapped user needs and pain points and created personas. The interviews were conducted with personal trainers, yoga instructors, meditation coaches, life coaches, and health coaches.


Information Architecture

Our team conducted competitive and existing dashboard research including 13 different dashboards. We prioritized features and created the information architecture based on our interviews and dashboard research.


03 DESIGN Process

I facilitated a Google Venture “decide” day meeting, and our team dot voted on the individual sketches. 


Then, our team created wireframes that were used to conduct usability tests. We continued to iterate and test our designs until we arrived at the final dashboard design.


04 Design

Our team designed two main views for the dashboard.

  1. Health Expert Main View

  2. Program View

Health Expert Main View

The main view allows an expert to get high-level subscriber, revenue, and program information. Experts can monitor and compare program success through these metrics to evaluate program quality.


Program View

We designed a program dashboard view to better display relevant data and metrics specific to the expert's program success. By monitoring information such as program completion rate and subscriber satisfaction experts can modify their programs for success. 


Final Design

As part of the final handoff, I created design components for Ongo's component library.


After multiple design iterations our validation testing resulted in:


Purpose of Dashboard

5/5 understood the purpose of the dashboard


5/5 identified monthly revenue & acquisition channel 

Completion Rate

4/5 identified program completion

Program/Session Views

5/5 identified the most viewed program

Subscriber Satisfaction

5/5 identified subscriber satisfaction

Humanity Metric

4/5 identified tangible impact on subscribers